Invited Sessions
Invited Sessions are managed by single colleagues, who are willing to collect other colleagues on topics related to the conference. Invited sessions have title decided by the session organisers and agreed with the conference chairmen; invited sessions do not necessarily need to have title which coincide with the ones for General Sessions.
Colleagues or involved people willing to organize an Invited Session on a specific topic can follow the instructions available here.
Confirmed Invited Sessions
Keywords: Additive Manufacturing, Deep Learning, Process Modeling, Reduced Order Modeling
Keywords: fatigue, Material characterization, Microstructure
Keywords: 3D printing, Failure mechanics
Keywords: Continuum, finite element method, Homogenization, Lattice structures, Material characterization, Microstructure, Multiscale, topology optimization
Keywords: machine learning, metal additive manufacturing, Microstructure, Modelling, optimization, performance, process
Keywords: 3D printing, concrete AM, Modelling, Novel computational approaches, optimization, polymer additive manufacturing, Process Modeling, process-structure-property linkages
Keywords: data-driven, inverse design, machine learning, process-structure-property linkages
Keywords: concrete AM, design tools, digital twins, digitalisation, life cycle assessment, New European Bauhaus
Keywords: Additive Manufacturing, fatigue, Material characterization, Modelling, Multiscale
Keywords: Additive Manufacturing, multi-material, multi-scale, topology optimization
Keywords: Additive Manufacturing, experimental mechanics, fatigue, Finite element method, Homogenization, Lattice structures, lightweight design
Keywords: Defects, Fatigue, Microstructure, Modelling
Keywords: 3D printing, 4D printing, Shape Memory Alloys, Shape Memory Polymers
Keywords: Finite element method, integrity, machine learning, Microstructure, Multiscale, performance, process
Keywords: Material characterization, Multi-field problems, Multiscale response, Novel computational approaches
Keywords: Additive Manufacturing, multiphysics, topology optimization
Keywords: 3D printing, Additive Manufacturing, Finite element method, Material characterization, metal additive manufacturing, Novel computational approaches
Keywords: Additive Manufacturing, Lattice structures, manufacturability
Keywords: metal additive manufacturing, Modelling
Keywords: 3D printing, Computational damage, Continuum, Failure mechanics, Finite element method, Homogenization, Multiscale, Reduced Order Modeling, Additive Manufacturing, optimization, performance analysis
Keywords: Modelling, polymer additive manufacturing, rapid tooling
Keywords: In-situ Monitoring, Measurement, Thermography, Validation
Keywords: Additive Manufacturing, machine learning, Modelling, optimization
Keywords: computer tomography, fatigue, finite element method, machine learning, metal additive manufacturing
Keywords: 3D printing, Additive Manufacturing, concrete AM, digital twins, Modelling, Novel computational approaches
Keywords: 3D printing, Computational damage, digitalisation, Failure mechanics